
KSB 3101 2

Hello world!

Hello world! I’m new here 🙂 My name is Luca and I was born on the 29 of January 2017 at 4.41 am, weighting 2,7kg and measuring 48cm.

KSB 2694

Happy New Year!

Dear Friends! If the previous year hasn’t given you something to be happy and proud of, don’t fret. If the 31st of December signifies the end of a year, the 1st of January signifies the beginning. You have life; you…

Croatia 2015 Kasia Bacq 27

All around Croatia

It’s been already over a year ago we went to Croatia, but I never had the time to post it on the blog. When I finally decided to do so, I prepared a selection of all best hot-spots in the…