What’s the toughest challenge you’ve ever faced?
What’s the toughest challenge you’ve ever faced? The greatest lesson you ever learned? Would you have guessed I came to Belgium with ZERO knowledge of French? I was totally lost! That hasn’t always been easy to share. Speaking your…

Dog themed second birthday – Brussels
Our son turned two! Amazing how the last year passed fast! This year we decided to theme the party about the dogs that Luca loves so much! Here is our little reportage from the day

Newborn Lifestyle Session in Brussels
Happy Holidays everyone! This little bundle of joy was welcomed by his parents and older brother just before Christmas! Now they are a family of four. What a joy! I photographed this family already before. When they were pregnant for…

Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope all your dreams come true in the new year!

Maternity Session in Chateau de la Hulpe, Brussels
It was cold and was drizzling that day in Brussels. I was very skeptical about shooting but we already postponed that shoot few times and Julianna was afraid that labor could start any day now (it did not:) so we…