Louise & Brendan, Chateau de la Rocq Restauration Nouvelle Arquennes
It was the most beautiful day of September and we could not dream about a better setting. The sun was shining and the light created unique lighting that I adored and since early that morning, I planned where we are…

Natalia & Jean Philippe, Tervuren, Brussels
When a perfectionist meets another perfectionist things can get ugly very quickly! I arrived to the wedding ceremony of Natalia & JP with a dose of reserve to be able to assess the situation before things get tense. What a…

Derkje & Quinten, Salons van Edel, Antwerpen
I could dare to say that international couples are my specialty. I tend to attract couples with different backgrounds and I can’t be more happy about it! I went through that myself and this can’t make me a better expert…

Laura & Pieter, Kasteel Breivelde, Zottegem
It was one of the hottest days this summer and we were all very warm and uncomfortable. I tried to do my best to make Laura & Pieter at ease and not to get too sweated. On top of that,…

Stephanie & Rik, Chateau de la Rocq
It was a very cold day, mixed with frequent showers and cold wind. The air was humid and sticky, I was full of doubts how the whole day will roll out with this kind of forecast. For what I was…